Emma’s Special Sausage Rolls

    Emma’s Special Sausage Rolls

    2 Packs of Sausage Meat
    1 Pack of Country Pork Sausages (or any other flavour)
    Edmonds Flaky Pastry, Pre-rolled squares. I found an 8 Pack is almost exactly right for the amount of sausage meat
    Relish (I use Cerebos Tangy Tomato Relish)
    2 eggs (beaten in a small bowl)
    Salt & Pepper
    Garlic & Herb Salt
    Sage & mixed herbs
    Baking Paper, or black liners for trays.

    Using your hands mix the two types of sausage meat together. (Take the ordinary sausages out of their skins)
    Add in whichever flavourings you are choosing. Mix it all together.

    Sprinkle a little flour on your bench, and cut the pastry sheets in half lengthways.
    Spread a line of relish about quarter of the way up each piece.

    Lay your Sausage meat mix on top of this.
    Paint the edge with the egg mix, and fold up your rolls.
    Repeat until all done.

    Paint the rolls with the egg mix, and cut the sausage rolls into small pieces. Place on to liners or baking paper and bake for 25 – 30 minutes at 180. depending on your oven. I have an older oven, so I cook 2 trays at once, but swap them around after 15 mins

    Place on racks to cool, before storing or freezing.


Author: Deb

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