Rice and Quinoa Salad

Rice and Quinoa Salad

2 cups Long Rice
1 Cup Quinoa (I use black or red)

1 cup Spiced Vinegar (you could use white or cider)
1/4 Cup oil
Ground Pepper
3/4 cup sugar (I know this seems a lot)

About 1 cup of finely sliced carrot sticks
1/3 of a red onion sliced finely
Sunflower Seeds
Spring Onions
Sweet Chili Sauce
Chopped up Parsley

Cook rice and quinoa per usual rice instructions. For me, I use a rice cooker, and throw them all in together. Set this aside to cool.

Bring to boil in a pot the Vinegar, oil, ground pepper and sugar. Set this aside to cool. Shake before using it.

Shake the Vinegar mix, and pour it over the carrots and red onion. Allow this to sit for about an hour. Then strain off the vinegar, and reserve this for next time.

Add the pickled items to the rice, and add in any other things you would like in the salad.

I used sunflower or pumpkin seeds, capsicum, spring onions

Mix all together, and add a couple of tablespoons of the vinegar mix, and 2 teaspoons of sweet chili sauce.

This keeps for 2 – 3 days.

I use the vinegar mix twice, which makes me feel better about having so much sugar in it 🙂


Author: Deb

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