

2 cups of flour
2 2/3 cups of water
1 tspn. of baking powder
4 eggs
2 small sachets Dashi Powder (Around 2 teaspoons)
Bonito Flakes (Optional)
2 finely chopped spring onions
Half of a cabbage, sliced
Thinly sliced Pork slices
Okonomiyaki Sauce
Kewpee Mayonnaise

The above recipe makes around 5 pancakes of Okonomiyaki, which is enough to serve 4 – 5 people.

1. Sift flour and baking powder, add dashi powder.
2. Beat Eggs, add water to eggs.
3. Make a well in dried ingredients, and slowly and egg mix to this until no lumps. (sieve if you get lumps)
5. Mix in cabbage and 1/2 of the spring onions.
6. Heat fry pan with a little oil.
7. Using a soup ladle spoon around one scoop of mix into the pan. Move the edges in to keep it round.
8. Gently press the slices of pork into the top of the mix.
9. Cook the first side for around 3 minutes, then flip gently.
10. Cook the meat side for another 3 minutes.
11. Slide the pancake on to a plate (meat side up), and decorate with Okonomiyaki sauce and Kewpee Mayonnaise.
12. Cut into wedges with Bonito flakes and spring onions sprinkled on top.

Note: Dashi Powder, Bonito Flakes, Okonomiyaki sauce and Kewpee Mayonnaise can all be brought at Kosco or the Asian section of your supermarket.

You can add whatever you like. We have added halved little tomatoes, and bacon slices.




Author: Deb

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