Wanda – Hot German Potato Salad

Wanda – Hot German Potato Salad

    9 Medium Potatoes
    6 slices Bacon
    3/4 Cup sliced Onion
    2 Tbsp Flour
    2 Tbsp Sugar
    2 tspn Salt
    1/2 tsp celery seeds
    dash of pepper
    3/4 cup water
    1/3 cup vinegar
    2 packets sausages (smoked)
    2 Tbsp Butter

    Cook potatoes, then cut into cubes
    Fry Bacon, drain and chop into pieces
    Cook onion
    Blend in flour, sugar, salt, celery seeds and pepper

    Cook over low heat, and stir until bubbles appear
    Remove from heat
    Stir in water and vinegar
    Boil for 1 minute, Stirring.

    Stir in potatoes and bacon, heat through while stirring gently

Author: Deb

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