Bottled Beetroot

1 kilo Beetroot, washed and trimmed, not peeled
1 Tablespoon Peppercorns
1 Tablespoon Coriander Seeds
1 Tablespoon Mustard Seeds
Pinch Chilli Flakes
700 mls White Vinegar
100 Grams Brown Sugar
Sea Salt

Cook Beetroot in Pressure cooker, One cup of water, beetroot in colander in pressure cooker. Cook for 15 minutes.
Slow release for 10. Release Pressure. When Beets are cool enough, use gloves to slide skin off the beets. Slice in size required.

Toast Spices in frypan, for around 5 minutes. Add Chilli flakes, Brown Sugar and White Vinegar. Simmer gently.

Heat jars in oven, heat lids in pan. Add Sliced beetroot to jars, Add a few pinches of sea salt to each jar.
Fill with vinegar and seal.

Author: Deb

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