Pickled Vegetables

Pickled Vegetables / Courgettes

500 grams courgettes
3 – 6 Spring Onions, finely chopped
Carrots or Cabbage chopped finely
Red Onion – Finely chopped
2 Tablespoons Non-Iodised Salt (I used the pink Sea salt)

For the Picking Liquid

    500 mls cider vinegar
    140 grams castor, palm or raw sugar
    1 teaspoon mustard powder
    2 teaspoon mustard seeds
    1 teaspoon celery seeds
    1 teaspoon dried chilli, crumbled
    1 teaspoon ground tumeric.

    You can make this with any vegetables, but I have been using up the fresh courgettes that are around at the moment

    Thinly slices your vegetables, or make Zoodles with them and slice up.

    Place these in a bowl and sprinkle over the salt. Then cover with ice cold water. Stir to dissolve the salt and leave for 1 hour.
    Drain and pat dry using kitchen towels or a clean tea towel. If these are left too wet they dilute the pickling liquid.

    Meanwhile, put the pickling ingredients into a pan and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 3 minutes making sure the sugar
    has dissolved. Then leave to cool until warm, but not too hot.

    Put your vegetables in the clean, sterilised jars and pour the liquid over the top. Seal

    Seal and leave in the fridge for a few days for the taste to develop.

    If kept chilled, these will keep for a couple of months.

    I made my last lot in one large bottle, with a sealed lid.

    Pickled Vegetables 2

    Pickles 3

Author: Deb

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