Chicken Toasties

Chicken Toasties

    2 – 3 cups cooked chicken, chopped
    1 Onion, chopped
    2 Heaped teaspoons of Curry Powder
    Mango Chutney
    1 – 2 Spring Onions, chopped
    Salt & Pepper
    ½ cup Mayonnaise
    1 – 2 cups Grated Tasty Cheese
    1 ½ Loaves of Toast Bread

    Sauté’ Onion until clear, add curry powder. Cook for another 2 minutes. Set this aside to cool.

    Put chicken, 2 – 3 Tablespoons of Mango Chutney, spring onions, salt & Pepper, Mayonnaise, grated cheese and the Onion/curry mix in a large bowl. Stir all this together. You can add an egg if it is not smooth enough to spread at this stage.

    Grill your toast bread on both sides. I do a tray at a time in the oven.

    Spread the toast with Mango chutney; spread your chicken mix on top.

    Bake for 10 -15 minutes at around 180, grill on the top if they need browned more.

    Always sit them on a baking rack to cool, so they do not get moist. I then cut these in half, and freeze, glad wrapped for lunches.

Author: Deb

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