Stuffed Eggs

Stuffed Eggs

6 large eggs
ΒΌ cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon gherkin juice
1/4 – 1 teaspoon curry powder
salt and pepper

Put the eggs in a pot and cover with cold water. Bring to boil, turn down to a low simmer and cook for 15 minutes.

Turn off heat and drain, I then run these under the cold tap for a few minutes to cool.

Once they are cool enough take she shells off carefully.

Slice in half lengthwise. Pop out the yolks into a bowl and put whites aside on a tray.

Mix in some mayonnaise, gherkin juice, and curry powder in the bowl with the yolks. I use a fork, but you can push through a sieve if you like them very smooth. Add Salt and Pepper and chives.

Spoon the yolk mix into the whites, or you can put the mix in a plastic bag and pipe it into the whites.
Fill the whites so that the yolks sit above the edge on the whites.

These get better as they sit, so you can make them in advance; and keep in the fridge.

Sprinkle lightly with paprika just before serving.

Author: Deb

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